
- Check-in for Little Gardening Planting Intern: Overview of Activity and Course Content. - Discover and explore the habitats of succulent plants with Succulent Classroom. - I'm a Gardening Planting Master: Experience potting succulent plants (Parent-child groups include one large and one small succulent pot). - Picnic food baskets for parent-child groups; single meals for individuals. - Become a Little Gardening Planting Master: Q&A interaction and certificate presentation.

Product Description

Course Features

Joyful Life Academy's gardening program for children, led by horticultural therapists, teaches them about succulent plants, plant care, and creating their planters. The program develops children's observation skills and sense of responsibility while creating a special bond with their succulent plant companions.


Course Content

  • Knowledge: Understanding the growth environment, soil texture, and care methods required to grow succulent plants properly.
  • Sensory Experience: Touching soil and plants to get close to nature.
  • Observational Skills: Observing plant growth patterns to develop a conceptual understanding.
  • Creativity: Creating personalized planters.
  • Concentration: Interactive Q&A sessions to learn and become a little gardening planting master through play.
  • Interpersonal Communication: Enjoy a delicious lunch together with friends of all ages.
  • Completion Gift: A certificate of completion as a little gardening planting master.



Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間: 3.5 小時 (實際體驗時間以現場狀況為主)
  • 課程對象: 4 歲以上
  • 教學語言:中文
  • 師生比例:每班包含 1 位老師 + 1 位助教 + 最多 20 位學員
  • 費用內含師資費 / 材料費 / 午餐費 / 現場工具使用費 / 場地費 / 公共意外責任險 / 小小園藝植栽師證明書一張
  • 限定好康: Niceday 報名額外贈送一杯柚子康普茶
  • 報名說明親子體驗之 10 歲以下孩童需至少一位家長陪同,每位孩童至多 1 位家長陪同;單人體驗 11 歲以上 / 成人可獨立參加
  • 注意事項:下單前請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範
    1. 付款後請盡速填寫《參加者資料》以便主辦單位作業
    2. 請於預定集合時間提前 10 分鐘抵達,遲到超過 30 分鐘即無法參與課程且無法退費
    3. 因為園區不使用除草劑,天然環境一定會有蚊蟲,建議穿著長袖衣褲及包鞋並自備防蚊液用品
    4. 考量天候因素,請視狀況攜帶雨具
    5. 參與本活動即代表活動過程中拍攝之照片,授權創樂子從事相關印刷品、著作、公開展覽、網路展示、宣傳及其他等權利,不另給酬
    6. 體驗組盆之植物、盆器會依當季、品種和產量不同,主辦方保有調整之權利
    7. 寵物友善,但消費者需全程牽繩並自行清理寵物便溺
  • 天氣影響:如遇天氣等不可抗之天然災害因素,則主辦單位有權調整課程延期或取消
  • 活動成行:12 人成班, 20 人滿班;若人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費;若已確認成班,Niceday 將不會另行通知


Yunlin has the largest succulent healing garden and horticultural therapy certification center. It's a safe recreational environment for children and offers young entrepreneurs a base for joint ventures in succulent gardening, floral design, handcrafts, gifts, and light meals. We offer school, company, and group reservations for handcrafting courses, allowing individuals to release life's tension and stress while showcasing their unique creativity. We also regularly host themed market events, creating joyful moments together. If you're looking for a relaxing environment where you can enjoy succulent plants, floral art, and handicrafts, while sipping on delicious coffee and sampling light meals, then come visit us and experience a vibrant and creative lifestyle. Become a "happy child full of creativity"!


雲林縣古坑鄉光昌路 247 號

Public Transport

【自行前往】 東西向 78 快速道路於 39 古坑出口下交流道,朝古坑前進,行徑内山公路 / 台 3 線約 4.7 公里後,右轉(看見並經過阿秋小吃部後即右轉)。 【大眾運輸】 斗六車站「後站」出站,步行 100 公尺,搭乘台灣好行(客運行不限)斗六古坑線往華山咖啡大街(劍湖山),於「永光故事屋站」下車。導航「創樂子生活學苑」往西北走文昌路 / 雲 210 鄉道,向左轉,朝光昌路前進,向右轉進入光昌路


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【Activity for ages 4+】Little Gardening Planting Master | Succulent Potting Experience x Picnic open for online booking?
How do I get to 【Activity for ages 4+】Little Gardening Planting Master | Succulent Potting Experience x Picnic?