- Check-in for Little Gardening Planting Intern: Overview of Activity and Course Content. - Discover and explore the habitats of succulent plants with Succulent Classroom. - I'm a Gardening Planting Master: Experience potting succulent plants (Parent-child groups include one large and one small succulent pot). - Picnic food baskets for parent-child groups; single meals for individuals. - Become a Little Gardening Planting Master: Q&A interaction and certificate presentation.
Product Description
Purchase Guide
雲林縣古坑鄉光昌路 247 號
Public Transport
【自行前往】 東西向 78 快速道路於 39 古坑出口下交流道,朝古坑前進,行徑内山公路 / 台 3 線約 4.7 公里後,右轉(看見並經過阿秋小吃部後即右轉)。 【大眾運輸】 斗六車站「後站」出站,步行 100 公尺,搭乘台灣好行(客運行不限)斗六古坑線往華山咖啡大街(劍湖山),於「永光故事屋站」下車。導航「創樂子生活學苑」往西北走文昌路 / 雲 210 鄉道,向左轉,朝光昌路前進,向右轉進入光昌路
Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy
Is 【Activity for ages 4+】Little Gardening Planting Master | Succulent Potting Experience x Picnic open for online booking?
How do I get to 【Activity for ages 4+】Little Gardening Planting Master | Succulent Potting Experience x Picnic?