
· Rice Milling Tour: Understand the rice milling process and no longer confuse rice bran and coarse bran. · Rice Packaging DIY: Pack rice by hand to understand the process of packaging from the production site into sellable packages. · Rice Certification Box · 2 cans of easy-to-cook rice · Rice ball mold · Seaweed sheets

Product Description

At the Rice Country School, we teach food and agriculture education from the soil to the mouth. Our hands-on activities include packaging rice, cooking, and making rice balls. You'll learn about rice manufacturing, appreciate farmers, and reduce food waste.

Event Highlights
Easy Cook Rice: Introduce Kids and Adults to the Delicious Taste of Rice Culture at Rice Country School

Pure and clean rice from Guanshan Township, Taitung. During the pandemic, people cooked at home more frequently, and single-serving rice packs became popular. Taking advantage of this trend, the "Easy Cook Rice" was introduced:

1. Easy-to-open can packaging: One can of rice plus one can of water, easily cooks 4 bowls of rice, making it convenient for busy young professionals who cook infrequently.
2. With cooking becoming easier, young people are falling in love with cooking. It's as convenient as drinking a cola, buy as much as you need without worrying about spoilage.
3. The American School is committed to promoting rice culture, making it easy for children to learn to cook, and promoting food and agricultural education. Participants learn about the process "from the soil to the mouth", respecting the land, honoring farmers, and avoiding food waste.

Event Flow

• 🌾 Cooking Raw Rice: Washing and cooking rice is actually simple.
• 🍚 Rice Milling Tour and Explanation
• 🥫 Rice Packaging Experience: Hands-on packaging of 2 cans of Easy Cook Rice to take home.
• 🍙 Rice Tasting Experience: Making rice balls from the cooked rice and tasting them.

Price List

Understanding the Rice Production Process【 Suitable for Ages 3 and Up】From TWD

Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:約 150 分鐘,實際時間以現場狀況為主
  • 活動對象:3 歲以上
    1. 3 ~ 5 歲孩童不可單獨參加,家長須全程陪同參與
    2. 6 歲孩童可獨立參加,若需要家長陪同不需收費,不限陪同家長及人數
  • 教學語言:中文為主
  • 師生比例:每班一位老師+一位助教+20 位學員
  • 費用內含:師資費用 / 材料費 / 現場工具使用費 / 場地費 / 公共意外責任險
  • 費用不包含:個人餐飲費用/其他體驗費
  • 注意事項:請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範
  • 寵物相關:場地開放寵物進入,但消費者需全程牽繩
  • 天氣影響:如遇不可抗之天然災害因素,則主辦單位有權調整課程延期或取消
  • 活動成行: 4 人成團, 20 人滿班;若人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費


Rice Country School is a place to learn about rice culture. They have a museum, a rice carving classroom, and a store. You can see rice and the equipment used to mill it. Make a reservation for a hands-on experience of the rice production process. Don't miss the famous big-bowl public rice!


台東縣關山鎮昌林路 24 - 1 號(米國學校)

Public Transport

Take the Taiwan Railway to Guanshan Station, then transfer at Taitung Transfer Station to East Taiwan Bus routes 8161, 8163, 8163A, 8165, 8165A, 8166, or 8166A to get to Miguo School Station.

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【Activity for ages 3+】 Explore the Rice Making Process as a Family: From Mud to Mouth! open for online booking?
How soon will the 【Activity for ages 3+】 Explore the Rice Making Process as a Family: From Mud to Mouth! activities/course start?
How do I get to 【Activity for ages 3+】 Explore the Rice Making Process as a Family: From Mud to Mouth!?