
· Water biking operation tutorial · Ecological tour and explanation · Exploration of mysterious caves · Equipment including water bikes, life jackets, non-slip shoes, etc. · Photo documentation of your exciting water experience · Public liability insurance

Product Description

Dongshan River Ecological Green Boat has vast terrain and abundant natural ecology. The eastern bank boasts of native vegetation and a habitat for migratory birds. Tour the park on water bicycles, stay dry, and explore the natural ecology.

Tour Highlights

This water activity is suitable for both children and elderly people, with no restrictions on getting close to nature. The joyful holiday starts outdoors. The experience allows participants to freely operate water bicycles through the land bridges, enjoying the riverside scenery. You can also view the Green Expo exhibitions from different angles. Throughout the journey, coaches guard the river and take beautiful photos of each visitor.

In addition to exploring the Dongshan River, the 90-minute experience includes guided tours and explanations by coaches. Along the way, you'll pass through natural caves formed by mysterious waterways, and take photos inside the caves. Under the direct sunlight in the skylight, you can take stunning photos with the green riverbank, creating a natural light beauty!


Q: Will the water bikes overturn?
A: We ensure that the water bikes won't overturn, especially in calm inland waters. They are stable and easy to handle even without a sense of balance.

Q: What clothing should I wear?
A: Swimsuits or lightweight shorts are suitable! Some areas won't get wet.

Q: Will I get seasick on the water?
A: Yes, because the design of water bikes is similar to a small speedboat, it can cause seasickness. We recommend passengers prone to seasickness to take motion sickness medication!

Q: Is sunscreen necessary?
A: Yes, it's recommended to choose morning or afternoon sessions. You can bring UV-resistant sunscreen hats and clothing. Hydration is essential!

Q: Is water biking dangerous?
A: No, compared to other water activities, water biking is very safe. Just follow the instructions of the professional coach, and you can easily enjoy the experience.

Q: Can elderly people participate?
A: As long as they don't have heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, etc., anyone can participate!

Q: Can children participate?
A: It's very suitable for children to participate, as water bikes are quite stable. However, parental supervision is required!

Price List

【 Dongshan River 90-Minute 】Adult TicketFrom MYR
【Dongshan River 90-Minute】 Ticket for Children Under 4From MYR
【Dongshan River 90-Minute】 Group Discount (4 people or more) / Single TicketFrom MYR

Purchase Guide

  • 下單說明:本活動設計為兩人共乘一台水上自行車,一人報名將視主辦單位整體報名狀況確定是否可以成團
  • 體驗時間:1.5 小時,實際依現場狀況為主。
  • 活動對象:不限年齡,3 歲以下嬰孩建議家長抱著或自備背巾。
  • 費用內含:教練教學費用 / 水上自行車、救生衣、防滑鞋等裝備 / 拍照紀錄 / 公共意外責任險
  • 限定好康:四人以上同行,每人可享 95 折優惠
  • 注意事項:下單前請詳閱本頁面所有說明,報名視同同意體驗商之規範
    1. 付款後請盡速填寫《參加者資料》以便主辦單位作業
    2. 三歲以下嬰孩建議家長抱著或自備背巾
    3. 為了您的安全,請勿於本體驗前飲用含酒精成分飲料
    4. 行程活動須遵守教練指示,不可自行脫離隊伍及解開救生衣
    5. 本體驗需不得中途換人體驗,如因個人因素離開,不得換另一人繼續參與行程
    6. 個人重要物品若需攜帶至海上,現場有防水袋可供收納攜帶,但需自負保管責任;若有其他怕水小型隨身物品,可寄放在體驗商車上
  • 天氣影響:如遇天氣等不可抗之天然災害因素,則主辦單位有權調整課程延期或取消
  • 活動成行:兩人一台車即可成行。若人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費


防曬跟水分要注意做足 騎車控制很簡單上手 教練會幫忙拍照記錄 微風吹來時在河面很舒服 小孩都在比賽速度玩得不亦樂乎


Established in 2019, we are the first water biking operator in Taiwan, starting our journey on Xiao Liuqiu. Our main mission is to promote the development of water biking activities. Water biking is not only safe and stable but also suitable for friends of all ages to experience together. There are no restrictions for both adults and children to get close to nature!


宜蘭縣冬山鄉冬山路二段 172 號(生態綠舟停車場旁售票口)

Public Transport

Bus Dongshan Township Farmers' Association Station, 14 minutes walk Bus Chenggong Police Station [Community Bus] Station, 55 minutes walk Bus Cairo Police Station [Community Bus] Station, 57 minutes walk

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


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