
· Experience the fun of landing on a small island · Explore underwater ecology · Enjoy parent-child bonding time with snorkeling and playing in the water · Cool off and relax with ocean kayaking · Boost children's confidence with simple diving challenges

Product Description

Silver Island is located at the bottom of Gongliao Bay, and it's a small island that you can land on. It only takes a 15-minute paddle from the meeting point by canoe, so it's not too far and perfect for family fun.

Once ashore, you'll find the island covered in sand and shells, with a tall lighthouse standing as a beacon for ships navigating at night, making it feel like you've entered another world.

Because it's located at the northeast corner, the underwater ecology is also very rich! There are plenty of coral reefs and various kinds of fish swimming around, and if you're lucky, you might even spot Nemo (clownfish) nearby. If you can't find it, just ask the instructor!


Activity Highlights

  • Suitable for the whole family
  • Snorkeling to see underwater life
  • Led by professional instructors
  • Canoeing to land on the small island
  • Beginner-level diving challenges

Activity Flow

  1. Meet at the designated location and change into appropriate attire.
  2. On-land canoeing instruction.
  3. Basic practice within the bay.
  4. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the northeast coast from the sea.
  5. Land on Silver Island.
  6. Snorkel, explore, rest, and take photos.
  7. Return journey.

Price List

【Canoe Landing on Gold and Silver Island】Parent-child Package | Two Adults and One Child (Original Price $4,100)From MYR
【Canoe Landing on Gold and Silver Island】Family Package | Two Adults and Two ChildrenFrom MYR
【 Canoe Landing on Gold and Silver Island】Adult Price | Ages 10 and aboveFrom MYR
【Canoe Landing on Gold and Silver Island】Child Price | Ages 3 to 9From MYR

Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:約 3 小時 ,實際時間以現場狀況為主
  • 活動對象:3 歲 ~ 65 歲
  • 教學語言:中文
  • 費用內含:獨木舟裝備(獨木舟、槳、救生衣、溯溪鞋、防水袋)/浮潛裝備(面鏡、呼吸管)/教練指導帶領/
保險:300 萬公共意外險內含 250 萬無過失傷害險
  • 師生比例:10 位學員內配一位教練,11 位以上配兩位
  • 注意事項請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範
    1. 付款後請盡速填寫《參加者資料》以便主辦單位作業
    2. 為確保活動順利進行,一律團進團出並聽從教練指示,自行脫隊或不聽勸告而發生意外恕無法負責
    3. 活動期間若有身體不適應立即向教練反應
    4. 救生衣為水上活動重要安全配備,活動期間勿隨意脫下
    5. 進岸及出岸(浪區)請務必聽從教練指示,一艘接著一艘,無教練協助請勿自行上下岸以免受傷
    6. 活動一經下水不論暈船、嘔吐不舒服或孩童哭鬧等,可由教練帶回岸上,但無法退費
    7. 為維護其他團員權益,遲到超過 15 分鐘則視同放棄參加本活動
    8. 活動中會幫大家拍照,若想照片多一點可詢問教練,帶手機或相機下水請備妥專用防水袋並自行負責
    9. 響應無痕運動 LNT(Leave no trace)呼籲「除了足跡,什麼都不留;除了攝影,什麼都不取」,垃圾請自行帶離,為這塊美麗島嶼留下一個永續利用的環境
    10. 曾有暈船經驗者請自備暈船藥並於集合時服用
    11. 海上救援相當不易,凡孕婦或有心臟病、高血壓、癲癇、中風、熱痙攣、換氣過度等突發性疾病或病史,請勿報名本行程。過往有遇過旅客海上熱痙攣抽搐或換氣過度緊急由救生艇載回岸上休息案例,參加請衡量自身健康後再報名
  • 天氣影響:安全考量下,領隊有權視天氣狀況決定活動是否更改路線或終止,小朋友參加也有可能因當天風浪較大而被取消出團
  • 寵物相關:攜帶毛小孩請自負安全並備妥寵物專用救生衣
  • 活動成行:4 人成團。如因人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費


"Sea Island" was selected as the name of our company because, during my first canoeing experience, I was awestruck by the stunning beauty of Taiwan from the sea. The canoeing speed is just right, allowing for a leisurely pace to take in the majestic cliffs, and appreciate the ridgelines, vegetation, and patterns of the rocks. The rhythmic sounds of the waves make it an enjoyable experience. Our company specializes in planning travel routes suitable for the public, offering safe and simple routes with beautiful scenery. Whether it's canoeing, SUP, or other water activities, we are constantly developing new opportunities for our customers. We focus on maritime activities in the summer and tranquil watersides such as lakes and rivers in the autumn and winter, providing scenic views throughout the seasons. If you enjoy our activities, please support us!



Public Transport

Bus Security Team Station, 27 minutes walk For those taking the Taiwan Railway, get off at the Gongliao Station and take a taxi to the gathering point of Hai Dao Zhou Ji's Gold and Silver Island (about 9 minutes).

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【Activity for ages 3~65 | Gongliao】 Canoe Landing on Jinshin Island・Snorkeling and Treasure Hunting open for online booking?
How soon will the 【Activity for ages 3~65 | Gongliao】 Canoe Landing on Jinshin Island・Snorkeling and Treasure Hunting activities/course start?
How do I get to 【Activity for ages 3~65 | Gongliao】 Canoe Landing on Jinshin Island・Snorkeling and Treasure Hunting?