
· Learn about the impact of sugar, food coloring, and artificial flavors on health. · Observe the differences between drinks made with chemical and natural dyes. · Make beautiful layered drinks. · Understand the principles of aquaponics ecology. · Create personalized ecological bottles. · Experience feeding geese.

Product Description

Does your child love eating sweets and foods full of artificial coloring? Are you looking for a way to discourage your child from eating too many snacks but haven't found a suitable method? Through fun games and interactive activities, this program helps children understand the effects of excessive sugar, food coloring, and artificial flavors on their bodies. By guiding participants to take care of plants, children can learn how to take care of their bodies from an early age. It's a course that's good for the body and fun, and you don't want to miss it!

Activity Schedule  ( Each segment is approximately 30 minutes )

1. 🍬 Learn about Ingredients: Through simple Q&A and fun activities, children will understand why sugar, food coloring, and artificial flavors harm the body.

2. 🥤 Making Layered Herbal Vinegar Drinks: Prepare orange soda with chemical coloring, and then make a healthy drink with natural butterfly pea coloring and herbal vinegar. This activity will deepen children's understanding of how to evaluate food choices in the future.

3. 🌱 Creating Aquaponics Eco-Bottles: Through observation, harvesting, and smelling plants in the garden, children will learn about plant care and aquaponics principles. The goal is to encourage children to take care of their bodies while taking care of plants.

4. 🐟 Outdoor Experience: Children can catch fish in the garden and experience feeding geese firsthand.




Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:約 2 小時,體驗時間依現場狀況為主
  • 活動對象: 3 ~ 14 歲 
    • 一大一小親子組:一位孩童需至少一位家長陪同,如多一位15 歲以上孩童或大人陪同費為 250 元 / 人,每位孩童至多 2 位家長陪同
    • 3 ~ 14 歲孩童:漸層醋飲一杯 + 魚菜共生生態瓶ㄧ瓶
    • 15 歲以上孩童或大人陪同:漸層醋飲一杯 + 香草醋拌手禮 250 ml 一罐
    • 0 ~ 2 歲同行無須費用
  • 費用內含:師資費用 / 材料費 / 場地費 / 飲品費
  • 費用不含現場體驗其餘遊樂器材需自費
  • 教學語言:中文
  • 師生比例:1:7
  • 注意事項:請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範 
    1. 本農場主旨是在休閒中體驗和學習,在學習中得到樂趣。所以鼓勵參加的伙伴帶著輕鬆的心情參與體驗方能得到樂趣
    2. 一般參加活動的朋友都習慣都市環境,對於農場園區設施所採用生態工法較為陌生,建議小朋友勿跑跳,注意安全
    3. 小朋友吸收能力佳,歡迎家長陪同參與,可提升小孩學習效果
    4. 當日有戶外草地體驗活動,請記得幫孩子攜帶防曬物品及防蚊藥膏
    5. 請於開場時間前 10 分鐘至活動地點大門口報到集合
  • 寵物相關:場地開放寵物入園,但須全程牽繩
  • 天氣影響如遇天氣等不可抗之天然災害因素,則主辦單位有權調整課程延期或取消
  • 活動成行:15 組成團,25人滿班;若人數不足無法開團,Niceday 將通知您改期或全額退費;若已確認成班,Niceday 將不會另行通知


Our Yunlin team values "safety", "creativity", "health", and "sustainability". We create innovative food products with carefully selected ingredients from Yunlin. Our products meet strict quality standards to ensure healthy and worry-free eating. We follow sustainable business practices to support the environment and social welfare, promoting a sustainable lifestyle."


雲林縣斗六市嘉東里嘉新路 222 號

Public Transport

[Public Transportation] 1. Take bus route 7011A or 7120 from Douliu Station and get off at "Labor Recreation Center"; take bus route 7120 from Yunlin High-Speed Rail Station and get off at "Labor Recreation Center". 2. After getting off, walk 55 meters, approximately 1 minute, to reach "Goose Mama Goose Children's Park". [Self-driving] There is free parking space available at the entrance.

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【Activity for ages 3 - 14】Go natural with aquaponics and herbal vinegar drinks in agriculture open for online booking?
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