
- 13:50-14:00: Registration and Gathering - 14:00-14:30: Flowing Journey - Unveiling the Secrets of Sustainable Fishing at Qixingtan - 14:30-15:00: Meeting the Stars - Seasonal Migratory Fish Handshake Meetup - 15:00-15:40: DIY Migratory Cuisine - Hands-on Fish Snack Making - 15:40-16:00: Migratory Bar - Taste Fish Snacks and Learn about Sustainable Seafood - 16:00 : Migratory Q&A - Sharing and Feedback Activity details are subject to minor adjustments based on actual conditions.

Product Description

When you're enjoying the fish on your plate, have you ever wondered about its journey? From the vast ocean to your dining table, what experiences has it undergone? The sustainable fishing methods at Qixingtan Bay bring daily fresh catches and symbolize the generous gifts of the sea. Let's embark on a journey to Qixingtan together!

Course Content

【Introduction to Qixingtan】

Qixingtan, also known as Crescent Bay, is located in Dahan Village, Xincheng Township, Hualien County, as well as the northern suburbs of Hualien City and the eastern side of Hualien Air Force Base. Qixingtan is the only county-level scenic area in Hualien County, connecting to Taroko National Park, the East Coast, and the Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley National Scenic Area.

【Experience Schedule】

Morning Session:

09:50-10:00: Registration and Gathering
10:00-10:30: Flowing Journey - Unveiling the Secrets of Sustainable Fishing at Qixingtan
10:30-11:00: Meeting the Fresh Catch - Seasonal Migratory Fish Handshake Meetup
11:00-11:40: DIY Migratory Cuisine - Hands-on Fish Snack Making
11:40-12:00: Migratory Bar - Taste Fish Snacks and Learn about Sustainable Seafood
Activity details are subject to minor adjustments based on actual conditions

Afternoon Session

13:50-14:00: Registration and Gathering
14:00-14:30: Flowing Journey - Unveiling the Secrets of Sustainable Fishing at Qixingtan
14:30-15:00: Meeting the Stars - Seasonal Migratory Fish Handshake Meetup
15:00-15:40: DIY Migratory Cuisine - Hands-on Fish Snack Making
15:40-16:00: Migratory Bar - Taste Fish Snacks and Learn about Sustainable Seafood
16:00: Migratory Q&A - Sharing and Feedback
Activity details are subject to minor adjustments based on actual conditions

About | Migratory Bar FISH BAR

"Migratory Bar FISH BAR" focuses on seafood education and sustainable oceans, providing services in three aspects: "Migratory Fresh Catch," "Migratory Platform," and "Migratory Tide Experience." Through these three innovative services for consuming wild-caught seafood, "Migratory Bar" aims to connect consumers, fishermen, and academic units, fostering dialogue and feedback, thus achieving mutual balance and sustainable development of marine resources and the marine environment.

Activity photos provided by Migratory Bar Limited

Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:共 2 小時;實際行程時間,可能會依當日參加人數與天氣而有些微調整
  • 活動對象:不限年齡,一般民眾及親子皆可參與,16 歲以下需有家長陪同,報名人數至少需 2 人。4 歲以下免費。
  • 活動地點:花蓮縣新城鄉七星街 32 號 2 樓 (七星潭遊客中心 2 樓)
  • 交通方式
    自行開車前往| 北上:臺九線轉花 16 鄉道(華西路)直行至七星潭大橋旁七星街即可抵達。臺十一線接花蓮大橋轉 193 縣道沿線行駛至七星潭大橋旁七星街即可抵達。
    南下: 蘇花公路接臺九線轉花 16 鄉道(華西路)直行至七星潭大橋旁七星街即可抵達。
  • 教學語言:中文/英文
  • 師生比例:1:15( 每班包含一位解說人員+一位工作人員+ 15 位學員)
  • 費用內含:1 道 DIY 魚點心食材費 / 導覽費 / 魚類觀察 / 公共意外責任險 / 火險
  • 費用包含:不包含於上述所註明之費用 / 鮮撈漁獲或文創商品購買費用
  • 注意事項請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範。若參加人數異動,活動前 7 天來電告知,退費 100 %,活動前 3-6 天來電告知,退費 50 %,活動前 3 天內來電告知,則以原報名人數為活動總計費用。
  • 行前提醒:
    1. 付款後請盡速填寫《參加者資料》以便主辦單位作業。
    2. 夏季時,黝黑與白晰同樣美麗,以不曬暈為前提,請做好防曬與補水;冬季時,海邊風大,再請注意防風及防雨。
    3. 漁法認識,可一窺漁人專業陣法,但務必緊跟達人腳步,以免身陷迷陣。
    4. 活動實際內容,有時候會依當日天候狀況而調整。
    5. 體驗活動不是豪華旅遊,但會是獨特又有深度的摸魚體驗。
  • 天氣影響:如遇不可抗力之因素(如颱風、地震、流行病等),費用則全數退還,或可申請改期
  • 活動成行:1 人成團;若人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費


Fish Bar is a company that focuses on educating people about seafood and promoting sustainable oceans. They offer three main services: Fish Bar Fresh Catch, Fish Bar Platform, and Fish Bar Tide Experience. Through these innovative services, Fish Bar aims to connect consumers, fishermen, and academic institutions by facilitating communication and feedback among all three parties. This approach aims to achieve a balance between the utilization of marine resources and the preservation of the marine environment, promoting sustainable development.


花蓮縣新城鄉七星街 32 號 2 樓


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【Afternoon Session】Fish Exploration Bar, QiXingTan Fish Touching Fun, and Handmade Fish Snacks open for online booking?