\ 就是要讓爸媽安心報名!以下梯次目前成團囉!/
【 Niceday 冬令營限定】結帳輸入優惠碼「NDCAMP」即享 95 折,最高折扣 300 元(每會員 ID 限兌換乙次,限量 300 組)
一邊學做菜玩 STEAM 一邊學英語,結合手作、料理、語言、科學、數學、幾何空間概念、藝術創作、五感的冬令營~
用英文認識台灣傳統的年節料理,用科學來探險世界,運用S.T.E.A.M 的元素,和趣味的教學方式,讓學習更好玩!!!我們做「掛包」來迎接牛年;煮「長壽豬腳麵線」來添壽;包「金元寶」來招財;揉揉「珍珠丸子」;最後做「蘿蔔糕」來祈福,象徵「闔家團圓」平安順心的一年!全程用英語教學。
每天下午,我們在 STEAM 的領域,每天課程都精心設計了關於這個神奇世界的各種主題:人類、昆蟲、化學、物理、藝術、數學與科技……充滿知識與創意。
Gong Xi Fa Cai! It's that time of the year again where each home cooks the most traditional food for this festivity! Join us in our New Year Winter Camp and learn how to make these Chinese food traditions from scratch. Know the story behind each food such as Guo Bao, Long-Life Noodles, Potstickers, Pearl Rice and Turnip Cake.
In the afternoon, the STEAM subject are taught in a fun, hands-on process to introduce children to the magical world around them! Themes include humans, insects, chemistry, physics, art, mathematics, and construction.
It's definitely going to be another fun-learning experience here at Kidchen Club!