
.Understand that money is finite and learn to plan finances wisely .Recognize that the cost of items varies .Learn the value of delayed gratification .Develop the ability to think critically about needs vs. wants, and choose what you truly need .Understand that earning money requires effort, patience, and independence .Realize money isn't everything. Wealth includes life, health, and dreams. .Comprehend the importance of saving money and how it can help achieve dreams .Recognize that even small amounts of money can make a big difference to those in need around the world .Discover that donating can be joyful, fulfilling, and a source of pride


The Need for Financial Literacy
In today’s complex world, teaching kids about finance early on is crucial for their future success and independence. By making finance fun and accessible, we’re empowering our kids to navigate the financial landscape with confidence and skill!

Course Content

SKG Teaching Method

Story ✨

Utilize picture books, characters, and major historical financial events as mediums to cultivate children's interest and enthusiasm for learning, joyfully introducing them to the allure of financial literacy.

Knowledge ✨

Spark critical thinking and extend knowledge through stories, distilling financial literacy elements to enhance children's learning abilities, promote brain development, and strengthen memory.

Game ✨

Employ interactive, experiential games, and board games as diverse teaching tools to develop children's expressive skills, perceptual abilities, and a flexible, innovative spirit.

Financial Literacy Coach


  • Duration: 3 months (12 sessions), 1 session per week, 1.5 hours per session
  • Time: 8pm-9.30pm (Thursday)
  • Suitable for: Ages 7-12, can participate independently;no additional fee is required for parents accompanying them
  • Event Location: Online Zoom
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Teacher-student ratio: 1 : 12
  • Included Costs: Instructor fees / material costs / two 1-hour one-on-one consultations for parents
  • Matters Needing Attention: Please read all instructions, cancellation, and reschedule policies carefully. Application submission confirms your agreement to the merchant’s regulations.

1. This is a one-time purchase that includes 12 lessons. When making a purchase, please select the time for the first lesson only, which includes the full 12 sessions. 

Click here 👉 Course schedule 👈 Click here
2.Please complete the Participant Information after your payment.
3.Students will independently operate Zoom and a computer.
4.Each student needs to have a computer for class use (using a phone is not encouraged).
5.Find a quiet environment free from disturbances to focus on learning.

  • Minimum Enrollment: 8 persons run a class. Niceday will inform you in advance if there are not enough people to form a class, offering rescheduling or a full refund. If the class is confirmed, no further notification will be provided.


店家特色: 在金融领域沉浸十五载之后,钱钱老师深知从幼儿期开始培育财商的必要性。她深信,一个人的财富并非由其学历、节俭或收入决定,而是由对财富的认知与资源规划能力所定。她对于学校教育体系未能涵盖这一关键技能感到诧异,因此立志要推动这方面的教育进步。 十二年前,钱钱老师在迎来第一个孩子之后,健康状况大受影响。面对生命的脆弱,她急切地希望留下一份能让孩子将来独立、坚强且富足的礼物。这种强烈的母爱和责任感驱使她创设了儿童财商学堂。当她意识到自己的教学方法能够助益更多的家庭时,她决定将这一教育理念广泛传播,以利更多家庭。 钱钱老师坚信,孩子的未来教育不仅需涵盖知识学习,更应包括如财务自主这样的核心能力。她的教学哲学不在于教授孩子们如何精打细算,而是如何将恰当的生活价值观、生活智慧、感恩心态与善用资源结合起来。同时,她还鼓励孩子们根据个人兴趣,学会把握机遇,规划自己的职业生涯。


Penang32 Jalan Manggis Indah, Taman Manggis Indah, Bukit Mertjam




【7-12y】Online Lessons | Children's Financial Literacy (Beginner Level 1) 开放线上预订吗?