
· 認識和平島地質公園的岩石地景 · 使用天然植物、礦物製成的色粉上色 · 從揉捏到塑形,訓練手部肌肉,感受自我創作 · 從一件小事開啟永續理念 · 一起來基隆親子 DIY,成品帶回可當擺飾或肥皂使用

Product Description

Whether young or young at heart, let's create a stone child together~

Surrounded by oceanic and geological landscapes, with the most natural materials and the most relaxed mindset, awaken the mischievous and adorable self within!


Activity Features

A zero-waste crafting workshop

Guided by instructors, immerse yourself in the beauty of Keelung's Peace Island geological landscape. Utilize locally sourced materials, infuse emotions, and unleash creativity with your hands. Sculpt your own memories, with the zero-waste process ensuring that the final creations can return to nature. This activity plants the seeds of sustainability in the hearts of creators.

Activity Schedule

  1. Registration and Seating: Brief introduction to the workshop's philosophy and practical steps.
  2. Use of Special Ingredients: Utilize custom-made jelly soap, cornflour, and pure natural color pigments (such as fleeceflower, marigold, turmeric, matcha, etc.), along with deeply soothing ocean-scented essential oils, to craft your own creations.
  3. Group Photo with Finished Works.
  4. Packaging of Creations with Crape Myrtle Leaves.

Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:約  1 小時,實際依現場狀況為準
  • 適合對象:2 歲以上
    ❖ 6 歲以上者,可獨立操作體驗課程
    ❖ 2 ~ 5 歲者,需有一位成人陪同
  • 交通方式
    1. 國道 1 號 → 基隆端交流道下 → 東岸高架道路 → 中正路 → 正濱路 → 和一路 → 平一路
    2. 國道 1 號 → 大華系統接臺 62 線 → 八斗子交流道下 → 調和街 → 北寧路 → 社寮橋 → 和一路 → 平一路
    3. 國道 3 號 → 汐止系統 10 公里處接國道 1 號 → 北上轉五堵 → 基隆端交流道下 → 東岸高架道路 → 中正路 → 正濱路 → 和一路 → 平一路
  • 費用內含:師資費用 / 材料費 / 現場工具使用費 / 場地費/保險:園區有承保共共意外責任險
  • 費用不包含:入園門票費用(全票$120/優待票$60)*請報名本體驗者,於活動當天現場向和平島地質公園購票才能入園唷~
  • 師生比例:1 : 6
  • 注意事項:請詳閱本頁面所有說明及取消與更改辦法,報名者視同同意體驗商之相關規範
    1. 體驗過程中,天然色粉有機會對衣服造成染色,請自行注意
    2. 體驗結束後,隨身物品請記得攜帶,如需寄放可至遊客中心一樓投幣式置物櫃
    3. 假日遊客眾多,公園停車場車位有限,建議提早出門避開尖峰時段
    4. 車潮擁擠時,基隆市政府將實施汽車交通管制, 僅開放在地居民憑通行證進入,請提早出發,以免耽誤行程
  • 關於寵物:場地開放寵物進入,但消費者需全程牽繩
  • 天氣影響:如遇天氣等不可抗之天然災害因素,則主辦單位有權調整課程延期或取消
  • 活動成行:6 組成班。如因人數不足無法成班,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費;若已確認成班,Niceday 將不會另行通知


早上去很好停車,中午以後車潮湧現,就比較難停車了。 環境超棒!碧海藍天,有海有沙,還有遮陰的地方,大人小孩都可以玩的很開心。 遊客中心目前在優化興建中,所以餐廳店家比較少,預計9月後可以完成,期待到時候餐廳的view! 課程主要是講述和平島如何使用環保再生來營造環境,搭配不傷害環境的材質製作手工皂,只有我們家一個小朋友參與課程很可惜,大人小孩都可以來體驗一下喔~
Comfortable environment
Friendly staff
Convenient parking
Foster parent-child engagement
Professional teaching staff


We are a diverse group of professionals from various fields such as environmental education and tourism. Our goal is to transform Keelung's Heping Island into an "International Sustainable Tourism Island" while preserving its natural beauty. We aim to make the Heping Island Geopark more sustainable and promote sustainable tourism through various initiatives. In 2020, we became the first in Asia to receive the "ISO20121 Sustainability Certification". To achieve our goal, we control access to natural landscapes, design environmental education programs, create unique souvenir shops, and provide training to senior citizen guides. We believe that traveling is an opportunity to drive positive change in the community.


基隆市中正區平一路 360 號(和平島地質公園 遊客中心)

Public Transport

Take either Keelung City Bus 101 or 102 and get off at Heping Island Geopark Station. From there, it's a 7-minute walk. Take Capital Bus 1579 (via Zhongzheng Road) to Zhongzheng Road and Zhengbin Road intersection, then walk 15-20 min.

Nearby Attractions
Opening Hours


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


Is 【2歲以上】和平島地質公園|小島製皂|親子 DIY 手工捏捏皂 open for online booking?
How do I get to 【2歲以上】和平島地質公園|小島製皂|親子 DIY 手工捏捏皂?