
・Stepping out of the classroom for the most genuine and moving experiences. ・Exploring with family and friends, fostering beautiful memories and bonds. ・As islanders, gaining a deeper understanding of Taiwan's beautiful coastline and ecology. ・Creating wonderful shared memories through family and friends' adventures together!

Product Description

*The gathering time and end time of this activity may vary due to tidal changes. Please refer to the pre-departure notice sent by the organizer for the actual gathering time.

Keelung's BaDouZi Chaojing Park is the most beautiful coastal park in northern Taiwan, offering stunning views of the sea and sky. From here, you can also admire the distant views of Keelung Island and Jiufen's Golden Mountain City, experiencing the beauty of mountains and seas. Additionally, it features the unique banded rocky coastline of northeastern Taiwan, with many tidal pools and crevices hiding a rich variety of intertidal zone organisms.

The intertidal zone is the area submerged by seawater during high tide and exposed at low tide. Influenced by the tides, it experiences two regular cycles of rising and falling daily, requiring intertidal organisms to endure long periods of exposure to air twice a day. What special abilities allow these intertidal organisms to thrive both underwater and under sunlight? Join professional ecological guides to explore the mysteries of marine life and embark on a treasure hunt adventure together!

Activity Schedule

  • Gathering at the parking lot of Chaojing Park (Detailed instructions on the gathering location will be provided in the pre-departure notice.)
  • Distribution of non-slip shoes and explanation of the itinerary.
  • Natural observation of the intertidal zone ecosystem, discovering various fascinating creatures.
  • Photography during the activity to capture exciting moments and create precious memories!
  • Conclusion of the activity.

Purchase Guide

  • 體驗時間:約 2 ~ 2.5 小時,請注意!活動時間依潮汐做相對調整,依現場狀況為主
  • 活動對象:適合年齡為 3 歲以上(3 ~ 18 歲未成年人須家長陪同, 若是學校團體帶隊則應取得家長同意書)
    ※ 請確定個人身體健康良好, 有心臟病, 高血壓, 孕婦等突發性疾病不適合參與體驗者, 請勿報名參加
    ※ 如果年紀偏小且行走不太穩定的孩子,就不建議報名參加,會有跌倒受傷之危險考量
  • 活動地點:基隆八斗子潮境公園
  • 集合地點:基隆市中正區北寧路 369 巷 45 號 ( 潮境公園收費停車場 ),現場會有歡迎牌。配合潮汐,請注意集合時間
  • 費用內含:自然生態解說老師 / 防滑鞋 / 攝影 / 保險(投保公共意外責任險,每一個人體傷責任之保險金額為新臺幣三百萬元。您也可視個人需要,自行加保旅遊平安險等保險)
  • 注意事項:
    1. 請詳閱所參加活動相關行程內容及本文規定,完全了解同意後,再行決定報名
    2. 十八歲以下未成年人依法應由家長陪同參加,如果是老師或是團體帶隊則應取得家長同意書
    3. 行前通知將於活動日前 2 ~ 3 日發出(提供當天教練聯絡電話、集合時間地點及注意事項),通知將以簡訊通知,若無法提供手機電話將以提供的 E-mail 發出
    4. 注意!活動時間依潮汐做相對調整,請注意集合時間
    5. 腳長尺寸小於 19 公分者, 請自行準備包覆腳跟及腳趾的水鞋、膠鞋和一雙厚長襪(請不要穿夾腳拖鞋)
    6. 潮境公園屬保護區,禁止捕捉及帶走海洋動植物,敬請不要攜帶觀察箱及魚網
    7. 本活動會依每梯參與者的狀況和天候因素,適時調整體驗內容(小雨天會穿雨衣繼續進行活動)
    8. 若活動已開始並完成行前教學,團隊已出發,集合逾時致無法參加或缺席者, 恕不退費
    9. 因個人身體狀況不同, 可能會有不適的情況,因個人因素致無法參加或缺席者, 恕不退費
    10. 活動相關的圖像(照片及影片)可能使用於本公司及合作平台的活動介紹推廣,如不同意使用請提前告知。活動照片影片,請搜尋【Facebook 臉書社群: 台灣走透 - 自然觀察系列】活動貼文內,提供相簿連結下載
  • 天氣影響
    1. 本行程如遇颱風、大雨、大風、打雷…等大自然不可抗拒之因素無法活動時,為顧慮團員安全,本公司保有視實際狀況而更改變動行程之權利,如延期或取消
    2. 活動出發前接獲本公司通知天候不佳,可選延期或退費。(退費者,每個退款帳戶扣除手續費 30 元後退還)
    3. 活動當天到現場後,經現場老師因安全顧慮不適宜活動的情形,宣告現場取消活動,扣除行政手續保險費用每人 100 元之後退還
    4. 活動進行中氣候驟變、安全考慮或個人因素更改行程,恕無法退費
  • 活動成行:10 人成行,若人數不足無法成行,Niceday 將於行前通知您改期或全額退費


Taiwan Discovery, founded in 2012, was established with the initial intention of sharing the love for nature and outdoor activities with everyone. Its main core specialties include river tracing, canoeing, summer and winter camps, corporate training for Team Building and employee welfare, rock climbing, snorkeling, and more. The goal of Taiwan Discovery is to make every activity, every camp, the most wonderful and safest experience possible. The team leaders, teachers, and activity coaches, all of whom are long-time partners of Taiwan Outbound, have accumulated considerable experience in camp management and activity leadership over the years. In terms of professional competence, they specialize in different roles and fields within the camp responsibilities. All staff are required to be familiar with the activity processes and the site. Team leaders are seasoned members of Taiwan Discovery with multiple activity experiences and recognition from both the team and participants before they can take on the role of leading activities. Team leaders are responsible for guiding activities and overseeing the entire camp.


基隆市中正區北寧路 369 巷 45 號 ( 潮境公園停車場集合 )

Public Transport

BaDouZi Station: 13-minute walk Haike Museum Train Station: 14-minute walk BaDouZi Bus Station: 11-minute walk BaDouZi Station (Bus Stop): 12-minute walk

Nearby Attractions


Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy


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How soon will the 【3歲以上】八斗子潮境公園|親子潮間帶生態觀察 activities/course start?
How do I get to 【3歲以上】八斗子潮境公園|親子潮間帶生態觀察?